Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dog/ Baby Confusion

Like most couples, Justin and I followed convention and got a dog with our new house with the fenced in backyard. We had two years with Oscar before we started talking about having a baby. While I was pregnant, I would tease Justin about how he talked to the dog like a baby. He calls Oscar, "baby sweetie" and I wondered how that would go over with Oscar and the baby when he arrived. What I've discovered is that Oscar is not confused as the baby so much as Rory is confused as the dog.

Here's an example. Justin has taken to calling Rory, "Rory Pup". At first, I would admonish, he's your son, not a dog. Then, like a parrot, I found myself doing the very same thing. Rocking Rory to sleep, I would say things like "It's ok, Rory Pup." Last  night, I even called Rory "Puppers". There has to be something wrong with our household in that we call the baby, "puppy" and the puppy "baby sweetie.". Of course, my dog does have more bladder control that my baby at this point. Rory did pee all over himself this very morning and Oscar hasn't had an accident in a very long time.

I hope this doesn't leave lasting damage on my son. I really don't want him to grow up thinking he's a dog. And calling him "Rory Pup" really does feel like an endearment. I will try to break myself of this habit though. For both the dog's sake, and Rory's.

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